Saturday, August 27, 2011


Greetings my name is Max. I have been apart of the Deviantart community for three years now. I have always been a huge horror fan. Having uncles seek me into drive in to see horror films at an early age. I would stay up all night on Friday's to watch "Shock Theater" A local TV program in my home town.

I started drawing at an early age and learned a lot from both my grandmother and my mom who were both artist's themselves. Though I was not the type of kid that enjoyed school, I did love my art classes. I was involved with designing our high school mascot for our football team The Seminole Indians.

I came to be involved with deviantart about three years ago and have grown to love the people and the community. The artists here that are involved in dark art are some of the best I have ever seen. Progressive in their thinking and masterful in their crafts. From Sculptors to Digital Artist's. I became involved with a few clubs for dark arts and after be an admin at a few decided to strike out and create my own. My first group for dark artist's still exists  Da-Morgue

We are very big on promoting artists through news letters and art features at the group. We have since added several other groups and are now on  facebook and have just started a Twitter

I decided to create this site to further promote the artists of Deviantart. Disturbing Maneuvers Out of the Darkness will be our groups web blog to interview and feature artists to a larger group of people. Exposing them a little more than just within the confines of our community and possible introduce you to some extremely talented artists you may not have heard of before. So if you enjoy art from the darker side add this page to your watch and get ready to meet some artists from Deviantart. 


Pam Morris said...

ok, i've got this bookmarked. no place to list all your followers tho'? need that so we know when something new has been blogged.

Pam Morris said...

never mind--this dummy just figured it out....

Angelica said...

Added to my bookmarks! I'm looking forward to seeing what you'll make out of this site.


Max said...

I am having issues with answering your comments here at this post. Been researching the problem and can't get a straight answer. I am therefor answering you via email notifications. I hope that works.

MisplacedFox said...

I finally ot here... yeah me!

Rachael said...

I love this idea Max!! You do great work!!

Alita said...

i dont know how to see the followers yet but i'm sure it will hit me ;)

this seems like a good idea i hope this works better then darkmediacity... they have so many resources and groups but no one talks at all or replies to blogs they just spam their own blogs all day.

Max Gaskins said...

well we are a little older crowd it sounds like and are taking this very seriously. I hope to have the first blog posted soon.

Max Gaskins said...

Just one more push!